a short book to guide you through the process of setting up your podcast and creating your first episodes

You want to start a podcast, but the process feels daunting.

Before you get distracted by the expensive gear you think you need and all the monetising opportunities you’ve heard of, plan your first episodes.

Then you’ll feel ready to podcast.

And if you follow the 10 exercises in this book, you’ll even have a plan!

Take that first STEP:

Give your idea SHAPE.

Estimate the TIME you’ll need.

Plan your first ten EPISODES.

Craft your host PERSONA.

Let podcast-addict Pilar Orti guide you through the process of planning your podcast.

  • Be clear on why you want to start your own show. (“Because it’s fun” is acceptable, “because everyone’s doing it” is not!)
  • Identify your listeners.
  • Estimate the amount of time you’ll need vs the amount of time you have.
  • Choose a format (or two!).
  • Find out how to set up your show and push it out to the world.
  • Figure out what resources you’ll need to create your audio files.
  • Plan the content for the first ten episodes.
  • Plan your episode structure.
  • Craft your first words and your episode’s close.
  • Work on your persona: who are you to your listeners?

Follow the ten exercises in the book, and when you’re done reading, you’ll have a plan!

Buy now through Gumroad or from other ebook stores.

And if you prefer a good ol’ paperback, you can buy it from Amazon.
