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Ep 56 Where I talk about multi-guest recordings

This episode should have gone out yesterday but it’s going out today…

Pilar talks about past episodes for Spain Uncovered, 21st Century Work Life and Facilitation Stories.

If you want to check out her blog post about editing a roundtable type episode check out:

Recommended podcasts:
Books and Authors
Podcasters’ Roundtable (not longer broadcasting)

Ep 57 Does audio quality matter in podcasting?

A short reflection today about how varied the audio quality is in different shows, and how much it matters to have studio quality. 

Ep 58 NaPodPoMo #20 Is podcasting like therapy?

Pilar sometimes feel like she’s going through a little bit of a reflective/self-improvement process when she podcasts, especially in Management Café. 

In episode 557 of the Longform podcast (which she recommends if you’re into writing), she heard Adam Grant say that podcasting is a great place for “Thinking Out Loud”. 

Also, don’t forget to remind listeners of your own name at the end of the show!

And Hello! to Daniel from My Fluent Podcast, who is now also podcasting in Italian.

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